
25.07 2019

Sowing campaign control with online seeding cards

Sowing campaign control with online seeding cards

Sowing quality control, identification of problem areas, yield forecasting, fertilizer consumption planning, saving of sowing material - such a benefit for modern farmers can be achieved by an electronic sowing card, which can be obtained by equipping sowing equipment with modern sowing control systems from various manufacturers. The web service Soft.Farm offers a solution for working with electronic seeding cards received from the Garant sowing equipment control systems.

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17.07 2019

What a satellite can see on the field, the efficiency of using the NDVI index

What a satellite can see on the field, the efficiency of using the NDVI index

Recently, we drove to one of our clients and, passing by a field of winter wheat, saw the underlying crops. Along the way, we began to argue about what could have caused lying crops and what IT-technologies would help to see problems in time and assess winter crops. When we arrived at the agricultural enterprise, we asked the agronomist: “How are you going to assess the yield on this field?”. The answer was simple: “In fact!”.

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04.07 2019

Land audit is easy!

Land audit is easy!

In the age of technology development, when IT companies offer the agricultural sector a range of useful tools, the agrarians have a completely different problem - the problem of choice. Which program is better? What is more informative? What will help solve the tasks? And these questions do not count... Cadastral registration of a land bank is a painstaking daily work that requires special accuracy and attention.

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10.06 2019

Soft.Farm team took part in the AGRO-2019 exhibition

Soft.Farm team took part in the AGRO-2019 exhibition

From June 4 to June 7, the largest in all of Eastern Europe and the only in Ukraine multi-field exhibition in the field of agriculture “AGRO-2019” took place. This event took place in the national complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" and attracted 83,000 visitors and 1308 participants from 17 countries! The Soft.Farm team presented its booth together with the partner for the introduction of GPS monitoring and fuel control by the company Overseer, and also demonstrated the work of the module of the monitoring systems of seed equipment “Garant” from our partner the company “Intris-trade”.

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23.05 2019



Soils are the main asset of every agricultural enterprise. Getting a good harvest requires careful agrodiagnostics of the soil on which crops are grown. The results of the analysis of the agrophysical and agrochemical properties of the soil can be downloaded to the Soft.Farm Cartograms module, which will build a map of indicators across the field and help farmers make decisions about plowing depth, seeding rates, and fertilizer application rates and crop protection.

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(197 news)