
06.02 2020

A new level of seeding control from Soft.Farm service at «AgroSpring 2020»

A new level of seeding control from Soft.Farm service at «AgroSpring 2020»

From February 18 to February 20 at the International Exhibition Center (Kyiv) one of the main exhibition events of the agricultural sector of Ukraine — «AgroSpring 2020» will take place. The Soft.Farm team will present its stand № 3А09 (Pav.№ 3, entrance 3A) within the framework of the international exhibition of innovative solutions «Grain Tech Expo 2020». We will talk about the development of new functions of the software package and the improvement of already known modules, such as cadastral registration of land plots, GPS monitoring of equipment, satellite images and the NDVI index, agroscouting, cartograms, seeding control and others.

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28.01 2020

Planning the structure of sown areas taking into account crop rotation

Planning the structure of sown areas taking into account crop rotation

Planning the structure of sown areas originates in making decisions regarding crop cultivation and is intended to calculate their optimal distribution across farm fields, taking into account the requirements of the business plan and the applied agricultural technologies. First of all, it is necessary to study the composition and ratio of land of agricultural enterprises, determine their purpose and direction of intended use, justify the planned yield.

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22.01 2020

Land Bank Report

Land Bank Report

Soft.Farm takes into account the peculiarities of cadastral registration, so the digitalization of data on your fields every day becomes easier. Due to the capabilities of the report generation function for land plots, it is not necessary to view a lot of paper documentation in order to collect information together. All necessary information is generated in an electronic document. A convenient visualization format combines cadastral data for each specific field in the form of a report.

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06.01 2020

One-click cadastral contours

One-click cadastral contours

For the effective management of a land bank, which has more than one thousand hectares, it is necessary to inculcate innovations. It needs to start with a quality audit of land plots and lease agreements, and the system chosen for implementation should ensure maximum automation of managerial accounting agricultural processes. But how to understand how well a land bank is used? It is necessary to study all the risks and be sure that those land plots are processed that are rented.

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05.12 2019

Monitoring Vegetation Indexes (NDVI) in Agriculture

Monitoring Vegetation Indexes (NDVI) in Agriculture

An integral part of any modern agricultural enterprise is the planning of agricultural operations and operational monitoring of the status of sowings. It allows to timely identify deviations in the growth and development of plants, determine the causes of these deviations and make appropriate management decisions. Today, there are many ways to monitor crops during the season. This is the agronomist’s exit into the field, analysis of soil samples, the use of data from drones and satellites, etc.

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(195 news)