Land Bank Management — Efficient Analytics of Leased Units

08.04 2020

Land Bank Management — Efficient Analytics of Leased Units

Digitalization of a land bank using the Soft.Farm web service has greatly simplified cadastral accounting for farmers. The introduction of such a system made it possible to reduce all leased land plots on a map and visualize their location, which made it possible to carry out operational monitoring of land bank changes and carry out its planning. Due to the quality of registration of lease agreements, the status of land plots and their registration becomes clear, lease terms, legal frameworks and, as a result, possible risks are indicated.

Land Bank Management - Efficient Analytics of Leased Units

The Soft.Farm team has improved the cadastral module of the web service and now new key reporting types have been added to the analytics system. The report on land assets shows the distribution of field areas by branches. Field rating characterizes the stability of agricultural enterprises and allows you to formulate a business assessment. In this type of report, the main focus is on signed and registered lease agreements. There is an automatic calculation of the area by branch and each specific field, lands with contracts whose lease term exceeds 3 years and more risky, where the terms of concluded contracts are less than 3 years, are taken into account, the area of ​​land with unreasonable land use and technical losses is indicated. The report on land plots calculates the area and number of shares in accordance with the binding to the field and the presence or absence of lease agreements thereon, and a breakdown of tenants and types of agreements concluded in the summary of lease agreements.

Land Bank Management - Efficient Analytics of Leased Units

The key is a land balance report. The analytical data in it are divided into assets and liabilities, that is, cultivated land and those that are leased. In the structure of the report it is clearly visible that there are areas on lease that the enterprise processes, transferred for exchange and technically lost. Also visible is the area of ​​land received through the exchange, and for some reason uncultivated. The data in this type of report should be given particular attention. In fact, this is a kind of list of tasks for the land department of an agricultural enterprise, since assets are discovered for which there is a significant risk of loss under force majeure circumstances. In the presence of unregistered contracts, they must be registered, documents by which the lease term ends, renewed, and for technically lost lands to find out the possibility of their restoration.

Land Bank Management - Efficient Analytics of Leased Units

The safety and effectiveness of agribusiness begins with building land leasing relationships. Thanks to the visualization of the electronic field map, cadastral map of the company and a flexible system of operational reporting, it becomes possible to automate the management process, increase information security, the efficiency of the land service, and bring all the documents of the enterprise to common standards.

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