31.05 2021
«AGRO-2021» is one of the main exhibition events in Ukraine, which will be held from June 8 to 11 at VDNG. This event is more than an agricultural exhibition, since it acts as an effective platform for improving production, introducing innovations and presenting new products in all areas of the agro-industrial complex. The Soft.Farm team will traditionally present its stand at «AGRO» to share updates and improvements implemented in our service.
19.05 2021
Ukrainian legislation clearly regulates how the lease of agricultural land should be formalized. Depending on the forms of ownership of the leased land plots, various procedures for registering the rights of use are provided and a list of conditions and documentation necessary for this is provided. Before entering into a lease, tenants pay attention to many aspects. After clarifying the legal status of the plot, they must take into account whether the land is in permanent use or is leased.
05.05 2021
According to the Land Code of Ukraine, land monitoring is a system for monitoring the state of land in order to timely identify changes, assess them, prevent and eliminate the consequences of negative processes. It is an important management function in the use and protection of land, regardless of the form of its ownership, purpose and nature of use. With the development and growth of the land market, it became necessary to track the dynamics of changes in the factors influencing it.
26.04 2021
Dear users, we are working on improving the Soft.Farm web service and maintaining the stability of its functioning. We inform you that on April 28, 2021, from 06:00 to 14:00, scheduled maintenance work will be carried out, so the system will be unavailable at the specified time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding!
14.04 2021
The concept of precision farming is based on the idea of the existence of heterogeneities within the same field, which are identified and evaluated using the latest technologies, such as global positioning systems, special sensors, aerial and satellite imagery, as well as specialized programs for farm management based on geographic information systems. The collected data is used to assess the optimum seeding density, calculate the application rates of fertilizers and plant protection products, more accurately forecast yield and financial planning.