
25.08 2016

Exact farming

Exact farming

Exact farming

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18.08 2016

Soft.Farm + cadastral map of Ukraine

 Soft.Farm + cadastral map of Ukraine

In 2013, Ukraine made a significant step towards the creation of a national structure of geospatial data - Develop a public cadastral map, which is freely available. Information technology is evolving and improving, so we walk in step with the times. The development team Soft.Farm system has taken into account the needs of our customers, you can now receive data from the electronic cadastral maps, to analyze to take appropriate decisions as soon as authorization Soft.

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10.08 2016

Field treatment: IT-diagnostics of ground's health

Field treatment: IT-diagnostics of ground's health

Field treatment: IT-diagnostics of ground's health

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04.08 2016

The calculation of planned and actual cost in Soft.Farm system

The calculation of planned and actual cost in Soft.Farm system

The calculation of planned and actual cost in Soft.Farm system

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28.07 2016

Join co-operation

Join co-operation

Join co-operation

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(194 news)