Sowing under control

24.04 2019

Sowing under control

In order to achieve a given seeding rate per hectare during sowing, a well-adjusted and tuned seeder is needed, which does not allow significant deviations in the process of work. After all, even small changes can lead to noticeable crop losses.

That is why to control the work of the drill it is necessary to know how it sows at any time.

The Soft.Farm team continues to expand the functionality of its portal and announces the introduction of online monitoring equipment with the "Garant" seeding control systems, which are manufactured by our partner, "Intris Trade". The company "Intris Trade" specializes in the development, production and implementation of control systems for seeding and the introduction of bulk and liquid fertilizers, as well as monitoring the work of sowing units using GPS.

In the initial version of the module, remote online monitoring of the sowing equipment on the map, monitoring of seeding quality indicators in any part of the path covered by the seeder, as well as online processing of the sowing results are available.

In the future, the list of functions will be expanded by tools such as planning and closing field work, a summary of the consumption of sowing materials and fertilizers, obtaining cartograms of the quality of sowing and fertilizing, calculating the treated area, post-analysis of the dependence of the level of yield on the cartograms of sowing and much more...

The agronomist has the ability to obtain accurate data for each sowed field and can compare the results of yield and profitability of cultivation for the effective planning of the next sowing campaign.

If you have any questions or you are the owner of "Garant" seeding control systems, please contact us by e-mail or by calling +38(095)9092626, +38(068)9092626 to set up online monitoring of your equipment.

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