Our award in agribusiness

14.06 2016

Our award in agribusiness

AGRO-2016 is closed, but this exhibition has opened up new opportunities for entrepreneurs and brought our Ukraine to take the rightful place in the global agribusiness. Of course, it is necessary to introduce the IT technology to achieve a high level of production. The number of IT solutions that have been presented in different pavilions, once again confirms that we are able to make a competitive market and creating the best IT products in the world. During the presentation of the service www.soft.farm/uk/about amazed the awareness of farmers in the IT technologies and their desire to get integrated software solutions. Hard work of # QuartSoft developers was awarded a gold medal in the category "Agricultural management systems." This medal is our first award in the agricultural sector, but hopefully not the last, because we have a lot of plans that we are going to implement into new products in the nearest future.

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