New cooperation with agricultural educational institutions

23.09 2020

New cooperation with agricultural educational institutions

We are glad to inform you that Soft.Farm starts cooperation with the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, which is the leading higher agricultural educational institution in Ukraine. The purpose of such cooperation lies in the development, improvement and popularization of the latest IT technologies among agricultural enterprises through the training of highly qualified personnel, since students, like no one else, can bring innovative ideas and knowledge that the agricultural industry needs so much.

NULES has been playing an important role in the development of agrarian education and science in Ukraine for more than a century and will now use the Soft.Farm web service during training. The choice of our system was predetermined by the availability of software, prompts in the form of videos, as well as the opportunity to get advice on the development of component elements not only from the teacher, but also directly from the developer. Thus, students master information systems that actually work in production and learn to apply them in practice.

We express our sincere gratitude to the teaching staff of the university for their interest in our service and we hope that further cooperation will help unite the agricultural and IT sectors for the development of the agro-industrial complex in Ukraine.

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