Field work on the mobile device

07.04 2017

Field work on the mobile device

We have completed our mobile application and created a real helper for the agronomist. Want to effectively use the time and monitor the progress of field operations in on-line mode? All the necessary functionality can be in your pocket. How? Simple enough! Download our mobile application Soft.Farm Eye What agronomist and head of an agricultural enterprise does not dream of a mobile application that provides not only a complete "picture" of the state of crops and their development over time, but also allows you to plan and record all the work actually done on the field, even without access to the Internet? The best assistant in this business than the mobile application Soft.Farm Eye, you will not find. Soft.Farm Eye is a universal and convenient application with a wide range of options that will suit both a small farm and medium and large agro-industrial enterprises. The application Soft.Farm Eye is free for download on Google play - we suggest to conduct a test drive! farming apps for android agriculture apps 2017 farm management apps 2017 agriculture apps for smartphones farming apps for andriod agriculture apps for smartphones farm management farming apps for android agriculture apps 2017 farm management apps 2017 agriculture apps for smartphones farming apps for andriod agriculture apps for smartphones farm management livestock field management vegetation control system NDVI

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