17.05 2022
Crop rotation in agriculture is the practice of growing different types of crops in the same area over several growing seasons. Its application reduces dependence on one set of nutrients and reduces the chance of developing resistant weeds, pests and diseases. It aims to continuously increase the yield of major agricultural crops by improving the crop structure, placing the major cereals, vegetables and fruit crops, taking into account their optimal combination and correct predecessors, introducing new high-yielding varieties, intermediate crops, etc.
22.03 2022
The Soft.Farm team makes every effort to keep the web service running even during the Russian military aggression, and does everything possible to make the system work in full. At the moment, we have suspended free registration on our resources for new users, but we want to inform you that we continue to work with existing customers and provide technical support in the same format. The time has come for the sowing campaign, during which IT tools for agribusiness can be very useful.
21.02 2022
AgroSpring 2022 has ended. We gladly became a part of it, because thanks to the exhibition we had the opportunity to communicate «live» not only with the guests of this event, but also with our long-term partners and users of the Soft.Farm system. Our team met with representatives of NUBiP, with whom we successfully cooperated to develop, improve and popularize the latest IT technologies among agricultural enterprises through the training of highly qualified personnel.
08.02 2022
From February 15 to 17, the International Exhibition Center (Kyiv) will host one of the main exhibition events in the agricultural sector of Ukraine — AgroSpring 2022. The Soft.Farm team will present its stand № 102 (pavilion № 3, entrance 3A) as part of the international exhibition of innovative solutions Grain Technologies 2022. We will talk about the development of new functions of the software package and the improvement of already known modules, such as cadastral registration of land plots, GPS monitoring of equipment, satellite images and the NDVI index, agroscouting, cartograms, seeding control and others.
20.01 2022
The production process in agriculture consists of a complex of works and is seasonal in nature, and the technological features of land cultivation differ at each stage of cultivation, whether it is soil preparation, sowing, caring for crops or harvesting. Soil preparation for sowing includes loosening, harrowing, cultivation, in the care of crops it is planned to water, apply fertilizers or plant protection products, during sowing seeds are loaded and transported to the field, their subsequent rolling, etc.