Planning the structure of sown areas taking into account crop rotation

28.01 2020

Planning the structure of sown areas taking into account crop rotation

Planning the structure of sown areas originates in making decisions regarding crop cultivation and is intended to calculate their optimal distribution across farm fields, taking into account the requirements of the business plan and the applied agricultural technologies.

Planning the structure of sown areas taking into account crop rotation

First of all, it is necessary to study the composition and ratio of land of agricultural enterprises, determine their purpose and direction of intended use, justify the planned yield. Next comes the planning of sown areas of crops and the use of products, which begin with the determination of demand and on-farm needs. In determining the planned sown area should take into account the competitiveness of the products of certain types of crops, as well as restrictions in crop rotation and material and technical resources.

Planning the structure of sown areas taking into account crop rotation

Very often, land users sow crops without taking into account crop rotation, which leads to a decrease in productivity and soil fertility. In an effort to get quick benefits, farmers lose more than they get, and moreover, they spend extra money on fixing problems that have arisen as a result of irrational land use. It is also necessary to take into account many other factors that affect the formation of crops. Among them, weather conditions can be distinguished, which more than others affect the intensity of the sowing campaign and the structure of sown areas.

Planning the structure of sown areas taking into account crop rotation

Based on this, each experienced agronomist understands how important it is to draw up a competent crop plan for the next year, given the huge number of variables. Taking into account their diversity, Soft.Farm offers a crop planning function, thanks to which it is possible to allocate a certain area for different crops in accordance with the season and take into account the needs of each of them as much as possible. Now you do not need to store all the information about the sowing in different Excel files. We combined information about the site, the predecessor of the crop, planned and actual data on yield and gross harvest in a single table. Among other things, the web service automatically offers the recommended crop options for sowing, given its predecessors. And that's not all! Using optimization algorithms, the program itself calculates economic costs, so you do not need to spend your time on profit calculations. By modifying the data in the table, you can immediately see the real changes in economic indicators.

The system allows you to find a balance between the requirements of a business for growing a certain volume of crops and efficient land use. Use your resources productively and improve the quality of agricultural work with us. Those users who plan crops for 2020 through the Soft.Farm web service will receive satellite images for the spring period for all fields for which the crop plan has been drawn up, for free!

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